How to lower blood pressure

How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally And Quickly…
You’ve probably heard all about how dangerous high blood pressure can be, especially if left untreated (or not treated properly). It’s estimated that over 60 million Americans have High Blood Pressure (HBP), which means that they suffer from HBP as well as at least one other type of cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, or kidney failure. According to statistics in 2005, 1 out every 3 American adults suffers from high blood pressure. This number has doubled since 1980 according to recent studies. Let’s learn how to lower your blood pressure so you can live a happy healthy life.

What exactly does high blood pressure mean? Simply put, high blood pressure is when the top number on a blood test measures 140/90 mmgHG or higher. The “140” refers to systolic pressure which indicates the force with which blood pumps through the arteries. A reading above 120 suggests the presence of hypertension. That said, most doctors agree that 130 is considered borderline hypertension while readings between 110-130 require further evaluation by a physician. Finally, 90mmgHG or below is called diastolic pressure and represents the amount of force exerted against the walls of the veins during each heartbeat. Again, anything under 70 suggests possible hypertension.
So why do so many people ignore their high blood pressure? For starters, many don’t even know they have it until something happens to them. Many times, symptoms only occur after years of having high blood pressure because damage occurs slowly and gradually over time. Also, many people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure simply refuse to believe that their condition could possibly lead to problems later down the road. So before you start ignoring your elevated numbers, make sure that you understand everything you need to know first about high blood pressure and its effects. After all, knowing what you’re dealing with makes fighting it much easier than if you thought you had normal blood pressure.
Now let’s talk about how to reverse those numbers back down to healthy levels again. First off, if you haven’t already done so, you should consult with your doctor right away. He’ll go over your current health stats with you and suggest changes he thinks might improve your overall situation. You may also want to consider getting checked once per year to ensure that your blood pressure remains within safe limits. Now that we got the basics covered, here are some easy ways to help bring your blood pressure down into safer territory:

How to lower blood pressure

Eat healthier foods.

One thing you must realize is that our diets play an incredibly large role in controlling hypertension. Not only do certain types of food contain sodium which raises blood pressure, but unhealthy fats can actually raise cholesterol levels which leads to plaque build up inside artery walls causing poor circulation. In addition, too much alcohol consumption can cause dehydration which lowers blood volume thus increasing BP. On the bright side though, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables including whole grains helps promote good digestion which allows waste products to leave the body easily instead of clogging up the system and raising blood pressure due to constipation. Other items to avoid include sugary snacks and processed meats. Remember, moderation is key no matter where you draw the line regarding your diet.

Get regular physical activity. – How to lower blood pressure

An active lifestyle promotes better circulation which keeps blood flowing around the body smoothly rather than stagnating in places. When blood doesn’t sit still long enough to get oxygen to vital organs throughout the body, it causes strain on the heart muscles which can eventually lead to increased risk of developing congestive heart failure. Even walking around your neighborhood daily can provide significant benefits for reducing hypertension. Don’t worry about being sore afterward either; that’s part of the process. Just keep moving!

Stop Smoking. – How to lower blood pressure

Cigarette smoke contains chemicals known as carcinogens which attack cells lining arterial walls damaging tissue and leading to blocked vessels. What’s worse is that nicotine stimulates production of catecholamines which can increase blood pressure. Once you quit smoking however, the rate of blockages caused by cigarettes drops significantly.

These three simple suggestions for lowering blood pressure are very effective, yet simple and won’t cost you thousands of dollars to achieve. They also work extremely fast and can potentially save your life. By following these guidelines, you can cut your chances of suffering serious complications related to high blood pressure dramatically.
For information on how to lower blood pressure safely and permanently, check out my website listed below. There you’ll find lots of helpful resources designed to assist you in understanding the importance of maintaining optimal wellness.


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